How set mod-rewrite on for your project in mac

Today while start working in an existing project which actually developed in windows, its all links are not working. So, first I have to set virtual host in leopard and place .htaccess file in my project root public_html folder. Then try to browse through all image buttons, but it didn’t work. We check mod-rewrite option, it didn’t works for our project. So I have to add following lines into /etc/httpd.conf file:

<Directory “/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/”>

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
#Order deny,allow
#Deny from all


here is my project folder name. Now I can browse again through all buttons.

Places Where Submit iPhone App Free

You can submit your iPhone App with no cost in following sites:

It increase your marketing as well as downloads.

sqlite3 Framework path for iPhone

In leopard 10.5 while u have to work with sqlite3 database u need to add the framework library to ur iPhone project. The framework path for libSqlite3.0 dylib is:
System->developer->platform->iPhone Simulator->developer->SDKs-> iPhoneSimulator 2.2 sdk->user->lib->

MesaSQLite for working with sqlite3 in Macbook


MesaSQLite is a tool design for sqlite3 in Macbook as phpmyadmin works for mysql. MesaSQLite makes creating, designing, and altering an SQLite3 database easy. We also use it to edit, summarize, and analyze data for ourselves and clients. Although we build new databases most days, we spend more of our time viewing and editing data.MesaSQLite uses the SQLite3 database engine. Here is an overview of MesaSQLite features:
1. Connections
2. Structure
3. Viewing and Editing Content
4. Special Queries
5. Forerign Keys
6. Exporting and Importing Data
Mac OS X 10.2 or later


How to prepare ur Macbook for webdev

Install XAMPP:At first u have to download XAMPP for Mac OS X from this link and install as per their suggestion:
installing XDebug on Mac OS X’s default PHP installation:
1. You are going to need to  download the source code from the XDebug website. (I suggest into your “Downloads” folder to make the rest of the process easier.
2. Unzip the archive from the finder.
3. Open up the Terminal, paste the following command in and hit enter: cd ~/Downloads/xdebug-2.0.3/xdebug-2.0.3/
4. Do the same for this command: phpize
5. This one too: MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.5 CFLAGS=”-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe -no-cpp-precomp” CCFLAGS=”-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe” CXXFLAGS=”-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe” LDFLAGS=”-arch ppc -arch ppc64 -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -bind_at_load” ./configure –enable-xdebug
6. And finally this one: make
7. We have just compiled the xdebug module. We now need to copy the compiled file binary file into a place where PHP can find it. From the terminal (again) run the following command: cp modules/ /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/
8. Finally we need to edit the /etc/php.ini file so that PHP is aware of the new module. From the terminal run this command: open /etc/. This will open the /etc folder in the Finder allowing you to right-click on the php.ini file and open it in your preferred text-editor (TextEdit or TextMate for example).
9. At the very bottom of that file add the following:
xdebug.file_link_format = “txmt://open?url=file://%f&line=%l”
10. In the terminal, for the last time (I promise), run the command: apachectl restart or simply restart your computer.

Now for installation test create a PHP script with a pile of errors in it and you should see colourful error messages when run in a browser (as apposed to plain old black and white text). Or you can download something like MacGDBp – a native debugging application for the Mac.

Solve application hanging problem in Macbook

While working suddenly firefox browser became hang. Even there was no way to go to another tab. The program was not responding. So I solved the problem in following ways:
1. Click on Finder icon in taskbar
2. Go to System->applications->Utilities
3. Click on Activity Monitor and select on the tasks which are not responding
4. click ‘Quit process’ and finally close the window.

How to install Bangla font in macbook for Firefox

Ekushey provide the first Unicode Bangla solution for    Mac OS X.   page link is

Download and install font from the link.

Configure Mozilla Firefox for Bengali Font

1.Open mozila firefox browser
2.From Tools menu, select Options.
3.From this Options window, click on Contents.
4. Click on Advanced button in Fonts & Colors section.

5. Click on the drop down list for option Fonts For. Select Bengali from this list.
6. Complete all the option fields as in the following image (you may choose your any favourite Bangla font) and then click on OK.

Now your configuration complete.

Set Microsoft keyboard shortcut in Macbook

This post is for windows users who switch to Macbook recent and wanna use previous keyboard shortcut as soon as possible. Should be follow the steps:
1. Click on System Preference in taskbar
2. click on keyboard and mouse icon
3. click on modifier keys
4. set Control(^) key to command
5. click OK to finish the job
Now u can work as easily. No need to change behavior. Happy programing.

iPhone development Tutorials

1. Minutes to Midnight

2. Bonfire animation

3. openURL



6. Reaction time

7. Speed dial

8. Flickr KML

9. SnowFall

10. Where am I

11. plumb-bob

12. making decisions

13. MyGoogle

14. Sleep Sound

15. ZipWeather

16. World Tour

17. FireBall

18. Homeland Security

19. Mobile Altimeter

20. Temperature Converter

21. iDrum

22. Pumpkin Face

23. Hypno

24. Colors

25. Sierpinski

26. LavaFlow

27. Photo Frame

28. digital clocks

29. Password generator

30. Death Calculator

31. Moolah

32. Video tutorials

33. iPhone game programming

34. iPhone coding resource

35. Creating a web browser

36. Game tutorial-2

37. Game tutorial-3

38. Send email

39. Saving and Reloading from .plist files


41. Build a Simple RSS Reader

42. Apple iPhone Development




46. iPhoneDevSDK Forum

47. First iPhone application

48. ToDoList sqlite 1

49. TodoList sqlite 2

50. ToDoList sqlite3
